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Made fire in stove  A to N.Y. had lunch with Casey & Jean McNemney[[?]].  saw Dorothy for a minute.  Took drawings to Scribners & they [[underlined]] delighted  [[/underlined]].  Everything set in boat, dried it all out, marketed.  A back on 3.04

Up to Huntington in Jim's car, A got ice, water etc. & back to lower mooring.  had swims.

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Chub, Douglas, & Caroline here in morning.  I had swim & scrubbed dinghy, lunch & in afternoon they back with strange man who wanted doctor, A with them to Yacht club  Caroline & Rennie stayed here.  Back with Dr for man on boat with broken ribs, A up here, others out in black storm.  Chub & D. back in pour, thunder lightning & hail.  They left at about 7.  We had supper & to bed.

I scrubbed cabin - worked on it till 6 P.M.  Had swim & over to Jim's boat to supper.  Tony here, 1 gal.

Transcription Notes:
There is no need to transcribe the prep-printed reference material that appears at the bottom of the page, but please note any handwritten comments. -quinnk, Archives of American Art