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Pete here at 10 A.M. & Tony came for him at 5.  Gave them fish & clams.  A fished & clammed with him  I swam.  Had head ache, foggy so didn't go on with painting.

Very hot.  Both painted main cabin.  Irene & Jim over.  Check from Scribners story.

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Temp. 90 [[degrees symbol]]  Swim early  A to Huntington, sent checks to Bill, Schneider, Motor Boat, did lots of errands.  I cleaned out back of bunk & painted it.  A made wire basket for clams.  Lunch, & sat reading boating books a little  Washed hair, went in swimming, both of us.  Made clam chowder for supper.

I scrubbed & painted forward cabin - worked till 6 P.M.  Supper, & to Center Port at 10.P.M. following Jimmie's boat.  Anchored & to bed, too tired to sleep much.  Charley Lighthouse brought mail - postal from Mother with news of terrible damage to Bill's orchard.  

Transcription Notes:
There is no need to transcribe the prep-printed reference material that appears at the bottom of the page, but please note any handwritten comments. -quinnk, Archives of American Art