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Hard rain.  I stayed in bed till 10, A fished.  Then A to dock for ice & groceries, & back at noon to lower anchor.  Dr Willis & his gang aboard with drinks.  I feeling rotten, perhaps have painters colic.  Terrible clattering thunder storm in night.

Chub & family stopped in morning.  Had dinner still feeling rotten.  Out to Sound in afternoon nice trip.  A took bath in row boat full of water & did big wash!  Got carpet washed in rain too.  Straightened up boat.  Enjoyed quiet & radio in eve.

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A fixed both engines & got them working O.K.  Back to Halesite.  I to Huntington  A had talk with with Jimmie about things Mr Reddy started.  When I got back telephone from McClures, & McCoys.  Jimmie here to lunch.  I did not tie white dink & at 3.30 we discovered it was gone!  A out in motor & with Jim all afternoon looking for it.  I feeling [[underlined]] worse [[/underlined]] & looking & lying down.

A up at 1 A.M., out & found dink in grasses by derrick!  All morning freeing up boat.  Two stories came from McClures special delivery.  A filled up tanks with water gas, oil & got ice.  McCoys got here at 4 P.M. had long wait for Ferry.  Had drinks, & talked awhile  Neely brought sewing machine, flowers, & vegs.  Down to lower mooring, supper & radio then to bed.   

Transcription Notes:
There is no need to transcribe the prep-printed reference material that appears at the bottom of the page, but please note any handwritten comments. -quinnk, Archives of American Art