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[[preprinted]] AUGUST  TUESDAY-17 [[/preprinted]]

Rain. Read aloud 2 stories from McClures. posed for kid for Life drawing, wrote long letter to mother & I went to store for supper. McClures stories wanted 22 Aug.
X  Bailed out one side full after hard rain.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY-18 [[/preprinted]]

Read some Physics. A working on Life drawing. Capn Darling in for 1 1/2 hrs. Told A to get anchor on rope of [[his?]] boat which A did. Got dinner, & sorted papers for clippings etc. A finished Life drawing.

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[[preprinted]] AUGUST  THURSDAY-19 [[/preprinted]]

Up early 6.30. Cold. Posed in cockpit for one McClures story.
Did chores. Wrote long letter to mother.
In evening posed for other McClure story.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY-20 [[/preprinted]]

Up early, lovely clear cool day. A working on drawings, I to Huntington
took Laundry, deposited last McClures check. A finished drawings & mailed "Tree" drawing to Life & "boat" & "Studio" drawing to McClures on 4 o"clock mail.
A & I walked to Edwards, got lot of reqs.
After supper down to lower mooring.
Were going to Northport Sat. but found intake water hose cracked.

Transcription Notes:
There is no need to transcribe the prep-printed reference material that appears at the bottom of the page, but please note any handwritten comments. -quinnk, Archives of American Art