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[[preprinted]] OCTOBER  THURSDAY-28 [[/preprinted]]

Letter from Dottie
A working on drawing, I posed some, mended & washed - odds & ends -
Letter from Dottie.
Washed hair, sewed on grey skirt.
A finished drawing, god be praised!
I to Huntington, brought back chicken chop suey for supper.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY-29 [[/preprinted]]

A to N.Y. on 8 train. Stopped at [[Ral?]] studio To see the Pousette Darts, to Life, got jobs, lunch with Casey & others. To Pictorial Review, had to wait an hour for editor. Art editor delighted with drawings, called others [[by?]] said would pay 250 for the 2 drawings, gave A another story.
A called up Every [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] out." Pop Brown brought down synthetic mince meat, I made pie, finished grey skirt. A back on 4.29.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] OCTOBER  SATURDAY-30 [[/preprinted]]

Story from Youths Companion wanted by 17-
I shortened winter coat, both to Huntington in afternoon, took coat to be dry cleaned 
done next Saturday. Both to Wall St. place for wine, baby in self rocking crib - Tony [[?]] I back to butchers for stuff, & Tony driving us home stopped at his house & had wine chees bread & olives. Tony drove us to boat & we had pork chops & to sleep!
A's cold better. In A.M. A wrote to [[Steighty?]] sending Holly's poems, & to Youths Companion, telling [[C?]] said 50. a drawing not a chapter.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY-31 [[/preprinted]]

Hard rain, both rather tired, we caught shiners in net, had them for lunch. Mr Brown here, we pretty bored, Later Lloyd Allan from Westport tied his boat alongside - said it was very rough out. gave them bread.  

Transcription Notes:
There is no need to transcribe the prep-printed reference material that appears at the bottom of the page, but please note any handwritten comments. -quinnk, Archives of American Art