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[[preprinted]] DECEMBER
SATURDAY-11 [[/preprinted]]
A up early & out for water, when I saw him about 6.30 I took his temp. found it was 101 - he back to bed.  By 10.30 it was down to normal, I to Huntington & when back found it was 101 again.  Called up Dr Gorely, he's ill in bed, called up Dr Kortnight.  He came at 2.30, said A had congested bronchial tubes & must stay in bed until no fever.  I to Huntington in P.M. to get prescription filled.
[[hand drawn line across page under entry]]

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY-12 [[/preprinted]]
A's fever down to a little under 100.  At noon he up & dressed as his temp was normal, after he got up it was up to 99 & over.  We read papers & I read aloud some from Yachting.  Did chores, water & coal & to bed early.

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[[preprinted]] DECEMBER
MONDAY-13 [[/preprinted]]
A's temp. a bit below normal.  I up first & he up about 10.  Wrote to Terry & sent check $30.00 for interest on mortgage.  Letter from Chub asking us to come there Xmas.  I not very well towards eve.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY-14 [[/preprinted]]
Both to Huntington on 9 something trolley - got presents for Mother, Robert, Dottie & George - vegeatables etc.  A to Patsys & got bottle of wine for me.  Neighbor chauffeur brought us down, had dinner & in afternoon I to Huntington, got "Cane" by Jean Toomer for A.  A reading it says it's sick.  Got chop suey & few more little presents.  A making new shovel & poker for presents.  I wrote to Hank & Holly.

Transcription Notes:
There is no need to transcribe the prep-printed reference material that appears at the bottom of the page, but please note any handwritten comments. -quinnk, Archives of American Art