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A's cough still bad.
Both to look at Kusicks boat, then to Yacht Club for bath robe.

I read some of Cane.
A slept in afternoon. 

I posed A did drawing for Fore An' Aft, took it to Billy Atkin. I got basket of tea for Dot G., & sweater for Bill Torr.  Back had dinner, then A to Dr Willis - had no abscess - had tooth filled. I did up Rankins & Bill & Ediths things, A mailed them.  In evening mail got letter from A's Mother with 100.00.  Xmas, letter from Hank, & our shoes & sweat  shirt from L.L. Bean.  I wrote to Mrs. Dove.

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I wrote to Mrs Dove. A made wooden box & we packed shovel, poker, & "Flowers Above Wall" also a Jimmy  drawing of Moky ^[[& buttons]] A did - saying "Selling a good example" & "A shovel in need is a shovel indeed"  A put on box - "Made in this here now year of our Lord" "Of Halesite battery wire" By A. Dove Esq."
[[hand drawn line across page under this portion of entry]]
Mailed it, then both to Huntington, deposited Xmas check of 100, Got things for a surprise box for Mrs D & Paul.  Presents for Alfy & Douglas. Back & I to bed, A giving me my supper there in. Read Gertrude Slims article again  Letter with $5.00 from Mother
[[hand drawn line across page under entry]]

Temp. 6 below Zero. I no courage - up at 9.30.  A wrote to Mr Devereaux asking him to let us know if sold boat, as we're going to put ours on market, & try to buy his by Spring  "Time will tell!"  My god - money!  A experimenting with crystals in line. I to Huntington, marketed bought couple of Xmas presents.

Transcription Notes:
There is no need to transcribe the pre-printed reference material that appears at the bottom of the page, but please note any handwritten comments. -quinnk, Archives of American Art