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[[preprinted]] DECEMBER 
MONDAY - 27 [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] Clear [[/underlined]] A finished Life joke. I put away Chrismtas presents. lunch, + A to Dr Willis', I mailed L. j. A back all finished with teeth, + with bottle of wine from Dr Willis, + marketing.

[[preprinted]]  TUESDAY - 28 [[/preprinted]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] DECEMBER 
WEDNESDAY - 29 [[/preprinted]]

A painted Gershwin thing. [[image - asterisk in left margin]]
I lying down.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY - 30 [[/preprinted]]

Painted in afternoon

Transcription Notes:
There is no need to transcribe the pre-printed reference material that appears at the bottom of the page, but please note any handwritten comments. -quinnk, Archives of American Art