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Wea. THUR. SEPT. 27, 1928 Ther.

Both to Yacht Club, a to Huntington. I went over trunks & sorted things. Fixed every thing in Halisite to leave. Tired.

Wea. FRIDAY 28 Ther.

Stopped taking drops. Got finally ready, Al aboard & to lower mooring. Sighted out at 5 P.M. to cross Sound, [[underline]] Rough [[/underline]] everything slamming about, after an hr. of making no head way, back to Lloyds H. & anchored [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] made drawings of moon. To bed early.

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Wea. SAT. SEPT. 29, 1928 (S) Ther.

A up at 4 A.M. lighted lanterns, got ready. Left at 4:45. A moon now & then showing under clouds. [[underline]] Very cold. [[/underline]] Swells, quite beautiful. Went around buoy 28 to be sure of bearings, got into Pratt Island basin at seven. Had tea & cocoa, Mr. Pratt aboard. Then to see house, & to Stamford Milli line, called up McCoys, mar lasted. A fishing with Mr. P & Miss N. To bed early. Beautiful place. 

Wea. SUNDAY 30 Ther.

I up late. Same & Neely here at 1.30 took them to see house & Sam to Greenwich. Neely here afternoon, told about Mother & Robert stopping. Same back at 6.30 dinner. They left about 9.30 To bed, [[underline]] very [[/underline]] tired, but crazy about place.