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JUNE 6 Thursday.
I did small wash, cleaned boat, over to Y.C. & painted second coat on partition and door.
Arthur drained out both tanks (still half full of water) pumped out and painted hull black.
Letters from Bill, & Mother with one from Mary enclosed. Sent all to Chub.

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Friday. JUNE 7
Both to Huntington first thing - A.M. Back, I very sleepy - slept for 2 hrs. an odd proceeding for me. Lunch - Cleaned up first.
Holly here - talk & ice cream & strawberries by Arthur. Showed Holly Yacht Club.
Very sultry. Quick shower.
In evening Mr. Tuttle in till 10.
Then Arthur down to help get Hank's boat launched. Jim towed it down with out trouble. A going along as ballast.
Irene in. Both to bed at 12. Jim in for a wine, then.