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JULY 2 Tuesday.
Letter from Mrs. Dove.
A to Dr. Willis - had bridge taken out & tooth pulled. He'd absorbed 1/4 of tooth - it called "denuded". All in very bad shape & had caused infection on jaw bone & on eye. Very glad they're out.
I washed socks & cleaned up place for work - "baring" lakes & the like. A wrote birthday letter to Bill. A telephoned Schneider to send some Blockx paints.
A marketed & got glass jar.
Both down to Raleighs - plus jar. Found Holly had been quite sick - said I'd go with her to Dr. next Monday at 11.
Back & I worked on design -
A took nap.
I washed hair.

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Wednesday JULY 3
I worked on yellow design most of day.
A over on boat making sketches.