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OCTOBER 28 Monday -
Both to N.Y. on 8.11. Arthur took 3rd and 4th set of drawings to Liberty.  Mr. Alestaire liked them fine.  I to De Hauk Gallery where Arthur met me.  The Modigalianis very beautiful handsome, realized color.  From there to Kraushar G. where was a grand "bulls eye" Braque.  Next to Reinhardt G. another companion B. to [[a line with an arrow pointing to the words "bulls eye" in the line above]] and other fine small "cinnamon" one.  A Harlequin Picasso, swell Rousseau & others.  From there to Chateau Richelieu which Arthur tracked down via Plaza doorman to 13 E. 51 its 3rd reincarnation.  After lunch window shop for over coats winding up back at 34 St Knox where A got a good looking Oxford grey one for 37.50.  A dash to Macys for Demigods for Holly which they were out of, but got her Moby Dick, & ourselves the Brothers Karamazov, The Survey & Bible. Spain M.S. 58. Caught 3.04 train & back to Halesite.  A little jug from Colorado for me in eve. mail - no card, very mysterious.

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Tuesday. OCTOBER 29
I cleaned house. Started painting in bathroom of laundry bag - no good. Started one of grapes, lemon & sofa pillow. Arthur working on 5th & last Liberty set.
In afternoon Mr. Tuttle here about pluming & store. Thinks he can fix former will give us estimate. We've decided on $62. circulating heater.
For supper I made a Frenchy spinach soup.
Arthur got [[underlined]] 3 [[/underlined]] drawings pretty well drawn in.