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Both to Oyster Bay again at what seemed to me like the bust of a dark dawn.  Found nephew of man who owns oyster bar - he telephoned for uncle who soon appeared.  1,000 is the least he'll take & oyster gear no good to him.  We measured it all.
On my back stopped to see Fish Hatchery - saw many, many, purple trout.
In afternoon the Blacks & Ealenor here, and Holly.

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Arthur to  Huntington N.Y. on 8.11.
Mrs. Alestaire liked drawings fine - thinks they've gotten better and better.  Has made them quite large.
A home by 12.30.
In P.M. I painted on grapes & lemon - red yellow & blue, no black - and felt I "experienced" color - like a camp meeting.  A out playing with Al. - both buying groceries.  To bed early.