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DECEMBER 1 Sunday -
Still very cold.  Chub drove over to tell me Robert telephoned on his way South saying Mother had had slight heart attack, we don't know whether it is that or indigestion as last time he made mistake.  I wrote Mother a long letter asking her to come here for a rest and for Christmas. May go up.

Arthur painted on "White water tank" improving it greatly in color and texture.  Made frame for it.  I wrote up diary.

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Big snow
Monday - DECEMBER 2
In morning I cut out two scarves & bed jacket.
Arthur took last frame apart & did it over - Arthur wrote long letter [[strikethrough]] Tony in for [[/strikethrough]] to Stieglitz - told him he was writing so he (S) would know what he (A) was thinking about when he came in! Mailed in 4 P.M. Tony for couple of hours.
I got Macy's scarf partly made.
In the eve. mail a nice letter from Bill.