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DECEMBER 3 [[strikethrough]] Sunday [[/strikethrough]] Tuesday
[[strikethrough]] Still cold.
Chub drove over to tell one Robert called up, said Mother had had slight heart attack - We Don't know whether it's that or indigestion as last time.  I wrote Mother a long letter asking her to come here for a rest and for Christmas. May go up.
Arthur painted on "Water tank" - improving it greatly in color & texture - framed it.  I wrote up diary. [[/strikethrough]]
I finished Mary's scarf. Called Chub up, no word. Sent George "I Thought of Daisy, did both up & mailed package. In afternoon both to Huntington got a sweet[[?]] old glass with pewter lid syrup jug for Dottie & George. Message from Chub in eve. via Herb saying not serious about Mother's illness.

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[[strikethrough]] Thursday [[/strikethrough]] Wednesday - DECEMBER 4
[[strikethrough]] Wrote long letter to mother [[/strikethrough]]
[[smudged]]I cleaned up, made [[pie did other?]] chores.
Tony here most of afternoon.[[/smudged]]