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[[underlined]] Snow [[/underlined]] 
March 20
Friday -
Went to hospital had blood count -
Arthur coated a canvas - Holly here for afternoon.

Nice letter from Beck in eve.

Dr McAuliff called up, said in blood cells I was some 3 000 000 instead of 4500000, in hemaglobins 78.

Arthur dictated to me- some small thoughts - starting "I bought a mirror in Salvation Army store today.

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March 11
Letter from Stieglitz - saying he'd had fine talk with Bill. One from Poussette Dart inclosed - a fine letter on the show. S. also sent 35 more announcements 34 of which Arthur sent off.
Both to Huntington, I got 3 - $1,00 blouses. In P.M. Arthur to Huntington again to see demonstration of saw, planer in hardware window. I pressed clothes and packed. Wrote note to Mother & sent reviews of show. Wrote up diary. Arthur wrote more on thing he's writing.