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84 Tuesday
March 24
Up at 5.
Wrote an article for S. [[read?]] be Red.  Telephoned Terry.
Stretched & coated canvases.
Went to Huntington.
Wrote upon article.
Went to C. [[Sciehrce?]] to find [[Monitor nohce?]], no got.  Mch 14 I think would for it.  Stretched more canvas.  now going to mail.
[[underlined]] Sheriffs are Snails! [[/underlined]]

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[[start page]]

March 25
Va 6.
Stieglitz sent Springfield Republican article. Sized 4 canvases  sketched one with R.  Cold goes through you to-day.  Same old no'th easter. Phone doesn't seem to ring.  Lunch.  Finished roast and spinach.  Washed dish.
12. M.