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June 12
Arthur worked on engine. Charlie Scudder complimented him.
I sewed.
I washed & ironed.
Both to Huntington in morning.
Arthur went to Town Hall about lease - 5 yrs. for Club house. Mr. Trainer pleasant & was sure it would go through. All in Halesite, however, say he's fearful liar.

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June 13
Letter, & $250 (advance on Phillips payment for Sand barge) and letter enclosed from Sherwood Anderson - suggesting he write to Maurice Long about being on his place in Maryland - all this in eve. mail - Very exciting - First flashes I for it, Arthur against -
Both to Huntington -
Both to boat -
I thoroughly house cleaned.
Letter from Paul in A.M. saying he'd be in Bayonne over week end & might come here Monday.