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June 18
Thursday -
Sent 9th $2.00 payment to I.V.
Wrote to Mother.
First swim. Arthur too.
Arthur working on engine.

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June 19
Arthur worked on engine -
I washed hair - finished orange linen.
Both to boat, delicious swim in choppy water.
About 2.30 barge, named Lucky Stone smashed "my" row boat - stern & side.  Arthur yelled "Go" so hard I thought at least a man over board.  They all fired up in to see Mr. R.W. Smith - [[underline]] had [[/underline]] with him, finally led him over to Al's dock & arranged to have Archie fix over Johnny George's boat for him.  Don't know what arrangement with Al.  Marine back from Irving Vance to be re colored.
Both to P.O. in eve. for sodas.  A. heard me come home.  25 yr. lease on club house.