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Ceph., May 7, 1982, III. [[circled]]5[[/circled]]

9:00pm. Jack has been running the ship light since sun set. Lots of sardines have shown up, but (again) not a single squid. It does look as if populations are low now!

San Blas,
May 8, 1982..
Still at Okupukkip. Heavy rain early in the morning. Gradually clearing up. Getting windy.
We go straight to site where A filmed yesterday. Group is still there. 9:20 am. A starts filming again. SAN
I wander about along shore. Mostly TG. Some sand and coral. See one small blob of ink- that is all.
We both stop 10:45am.
Start again after lunch. A tows Cuinquintuppu. Finds group of large and medium Sepiots almost immediately. But they are doing nothing. Resumes tow  around Cuiniquintuppu. Then over to Teatuppu. Then along flat between Teatuppu and Panetupo. Then along TG area of Panetupo. Then along offshore reef. We stop 1:25 pm.
What has gone wrong this year?
Later in the afternoon, we go on to Morpeptuppu. A tows all around island 3:25-4:00 pm. Nothing.
Staying at Morpeptuppu for the night Make a brief tour of shore facing mainland ca. 7:30 pm. No cephalopods. But lots of small B's. Also wind (thus reducing visibility). Jack runs the ship lights. Occasional visits by small groups of [[underline]]Lolego[[/underline] sp(p). Up to 6 individuals.