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94  [[hand drawn star]]
Thursday  APRIL 3
In the New Yorker [[double underline]] the [[/double underline]] write up of them all on Dove exhibition.  More than we could have hoped for even [[underline]] from M.P. [[/underline]] Arthur to meet Alfy on 10.31.  Read him all the reviews and other things.  In afternoon, Arthur drove Alfy over Northport Centerport ways - Alfy left on 9.53
A terribly nice letter from Bill - saying he'd been to show twice and it was wonderful, especially snow on ice.

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[[hand drawn star]]  95

Friday  APRIL 4
Both to Huntington ^[[buying up New Yorkers]] & along other side of Harbor - a delicious day.  In afternoon to Huntington Again, got a new tire & letter paper - then to Northport.  Arthur made water color of 4 masted schooner, I a pencil drawing of bean tree.  I called Holly up in evening.

Arthur wrote a fine and too amusing letter to M.P.