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Tues - OCTOBER 28
Arthur to Huntington - Met man in [[Abotts??]] who is a professional silver & gold put oner - told A how to pat powered metals on with cheese cloth. Arthur brought some back & tried it & it works swell, so swell all the frames have to be done over.
Alfy called up, will be out Sunday at 10.30. Leaves N.Y. 9.07 A.M.
I cleaning up in A.M.
In afternoon I started painting abstraction - "Circles."

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Wednesday. OCTOBER 29
Rain and very dark.
Letter from Dottie saying she'd sent slides last week. Called up Huntington Sta. & P.O. No pck. Telegraphed Dottie, also wrote to her.
Arthur [[strikethrough]] started [[/strikethrough]] worked on (Gravel barge) painting "Let's Try Something" (Large [[areareas?]] flat. in red, yellow ochre & black.)
Both did sorting & cleaning, put things in down stairs closets etc.