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Sat. JANUARY 14 *
Arthur painted on "Tanks" made brew early in A.M.
I gave place a quite thorough cleaning, found papers that should have gone to Stieglitz about "Red Barge" going to Penna. Academy. Arthur wrote Stieglitz & Lawson, I mailing them.
In afternoon Arthur called up the Listers house, got Nell Chouteau. She, Mrs. Lister & John came over. Arthur drummed & Mrs. Lister sang "Moanin Low" - We out with Nell, unwisely she here & a night of it.
McBride had an appreciative write up of O'Keefe's show.

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Sun - JANUARY 15
All up around 8 o'clock -
Had coffee & orange juice.
Nell to the Listers.
Arthur worked on frames.
I " " [[ditto for: worked on]] a headache. Later in P.M. Bill Munro in, with Mac - a swell dog.