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Friday JANUARY 20 *
Both to Huntington in A.M.  deposited check, marketed -
But first - I heard Arthur whistle as he opened a letter from Stieglitz & there was a check for $200.00 from Marjorie Phillips, they plan to buy "The Red Barge" on the installment plan!
O'Keefe very ill.
Arthur wrote to Stieglitz, and Bill, his Mother - a birthday letter, & to Terry sending $40. [[strikethrough]] 00 [[/strikethrough]] & owing lawyers.  A letter from Terry also, saying they would sue.  [[underlined]] A [[/underlined]] mail.  I wrote to Mother & Mrs. Dove.  Both did some sand papering.  In evening Arthur called up his Mother & Davidson.
[[left margin]] Arthur worked on "Sea Gull" & flat painting. Gave Sea Gull more strength. [[/left margin]]

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Saturday JANUARY 21 *
A letter from Elizabeth saying they know they are going to want one of the new sketches & containing a check for $25.00!
A lovely letter from Mary, & Stieglitz sent on Duncan Phillip's letter about buying "The Red Barge," which however is still uncertain.
Arthur [[underlined]] painted [[/underlined]] on "Sun Drawing Water" - made it much finer.
I to Huntington in A.M. got glue, varnish, an almanac for Arthur etc.
Cleaned place - wrote up this.  Arthur wrote to Mr. & Mrs. Phillips & Davidson.