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Monday MAY 1
A called Dr Beck's office made apt. for 11 A.M. tomorrow - I called Nell, who is going to drive us in.
Arthur painted top on truck- out looking for a "painting" - Post cards from Mother, returned one to her as I'd not written Letter from Charles who is going to Paris for a year. Still little temp. 90 1/5

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Tuesday MAY 2
Both up at seven. Sept for N.Y. at 9 with Nell Chouteau in her car. Arthur & Walter Lister out at 60th for Gallery + paper. Nell & I to Dr's office - along wait. Dr Beck fine as ever. Thinks, or rather said. "I'm going on assumption its intestines [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] infecting right kidney. Pills to get & temp to be taken 4 times daily + see him a week from to day.
Called Arthur up + all to [[Char?]] for lunch. Stieglitz had a $20.00 check from someone Weston for Arthur. Arthur said room fine with all the things from storage in it. Saw Paul Rosenfeld.
To a shop with Nell home about 5.30.