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Friday.  AUGUST 25
Paul here at 9 A.M. asking us to go to Rochester with them.  We did.  To Louise's house, but L. not there.  To lunch.  Arthur & I Sears Roebucks, got Red Barn paint for floor of living - dining room, & roofing for leaks.  Also red curtain material & back to cover chair seats.  Dorothy got a 125.00 fur coat - a birthday present from Paul.  Out to Louise's & back with her & King Whitney from there home - a flat tire on way. Supper here of things we got there.  Very tired & to bed at 11.30.

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Saturday  AUGUST 26
Did some things here, had Walter in to help move chest of drawers.  Walter said red floor paint "looked right comical." Arthur to Arthur Troutman's, got 3 hen & chicken plants in pot for Dorothy for birthday.  Took it to her.  Arthur, & Paul & I town.  A. & P. sent check for taxes for North farm to  Canandagaia, check for bond having come.  Arthur paid Walter 15. for this week & 5.00 owing.