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Wednesday, August 28, 1935

Arthur & I to Geneva.  Arthur and Bill had talk, more at dinner. Bill and Marion are planning to be married very soon.
[[hand drawn arrow pointing to "I worked. . ."]]
I worked on crayon drawing of stove pipe.  Stretched 2 canvas' Arthur coated 16 canvas'.  I walked all along switch in Brick Yard with John.  Made ^[[crayon drawing]]  Jimmy Watson here mending roof.  Bill and Marion here to supper - more talk of their plans.

Mrs. Watson sent over a lot of jars of pickles & tomatoes.

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* Thursday, August 29, 1935
Up at 6.30. Wrote to Mother.
Arthur started restoring Red Barge.
* Finished it.
I changed crayon drawing.
Arthur & I to Geneva in A.M. Out for a drive in P.M. but neither of us got a drawing. I collected more flora -