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Thursday, March 26, 1936
Mabel called - they coming Sunday afternoon.
I did large wash - dried it out side. Arthur put stickers on unframed W.C.'s.
Mr. Lindz brought 2 loads [[?cinders]], took 2 to 512. Took ashes out of Nock. That cancels $10, on safe.
I painted on "Black [[Bleak Geneva?]]" (Frosting) all P.M.
Arthur to Geneva - To see man working in store. I wrote note to Ma - sent her flower article.

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Friday, March 27, 1936
Both to Geneva, saw Mr. [[?Newland]] & got him more paint etc. Other errands & much marketing. Home, lunch, I cleaned house. Arthur brought in drawers, getting ready to pack paintings.
Mr. O'Brien here at 6.30 for dinner. Had lobsters - other things - all. Showed him some paintings - talked. He's a swell person.