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[[image - hand drawn star]]
Wednesday, May 27, 1936

Postcard from Dotty in Phila.  Arthur down early, 7.30 A.M. to see Paul about selling tile machinery.  Paul got man from Canandaigua who offered 250. for boiler & other machinery, also said brick worth more than 200.  Both to see Chaceliea about De Pilo.  A to see Curtis ^[[about brick & lumber]] he said let it go a while.
[[hand drawn arrow pointing to next sentence]] I cleaned & cleared out my work room.  Repainted one of day before - "Daguerrotype Red."
[[hand drawn arrow pointing to start of sentence]] Arthur did one of after image of sun, & clouds, has 16 water colors, mounted.  I went out to see wild strawberries but just flowering.

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Thursday, May 28, 1936

A started coal fire in my work room.  Started to clear it out. Made 2 small temporas.

Arthur mounted water colors -