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* Saturday, June 6, 1936
Up to 80° at noon.
George planted corn -
Cleaned -
Paul here -
I not feeling well - slept in P.M.
[[arrow]] Arthur made a good water color of trees in yard.
Later - Paul here again, also stopped on way back from Newark with Dorothy Perkins & Marion ?.
Had drinks on brick part.
Arthur & I to dinner at Nebels.

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Sunday, June 7, 1936
70. Far off thunder storm.
Arthur rewrote & mailed Letter to Stieglitz. Also one to Dottie.
We counted up, Phillips only owes $100 on last years. Nothing heard from him about what he's going to do this.
I up late.
In P.M. I made a pair of green & white pants.
Arthur out looking, but found nothing.