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* A good letter from Bill - Paints from Schnyder.
Wednesday, August 5, 1936
Arthur did two good water colors for book, one of Galathea - one small one of sail boat & sun. Telegraphed Josephy he'd "send results so far to morrow."
Arthur wrote to Bill & Marian.
I made ^[[several]] pencil drawings in afternoon - in some just drawing for more mobility.
In A.M. made, washed & ironed a cover for guest room bed.
Both to Comessos - met Marian's brother there.
Art Dwyer here for cash & a call.
[[left margin]] I wrote Macy's asking price of Green Laurels.

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Thursday, August 6, 1936
Arthur did a nice water color of bear.
Also a sketch of two decks - oil tanker & other 2 men - Got all done, mounted, wrapped and off at 5 P.M. at Post Office.
Nebel called asking us there to dinner - but declined. I looking up things, found bear etc. Both relieved when they were off - now to see what publishers [[underlined]] do [[/underlined]] want & expect.