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[[image - hand drawn star]] 
Saturday, October 24, 1936
38˚  30:08.  
[[image: drawing of circle shaded in one section]]
Fog.  No wind.  Radio says showers.

Worked on Sun III.  Wrote Stieglitz.  Went to skating rink at night  Fair

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Sunday, October 25, 1936  [[image - hand drawn star]]

[[image - drawing of circle with light spot and ^ on bottom]]
36˚  30:15↑

Washed off Sun III.  - powdery. -  Clear.  windy day.  Thomas did not come.  as he said.  Have been using too much water with tempera [[underlined]] use medium & not water [[/underlined]].  2nd over painting use.  resin oil color + wax in turps or tube colors + " [[wax in turps]]  Bologna "C"  [[strikethrough]] put alcohol in car. [[/strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
turps = maybe short for turpentine ??