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Monday, February 15, 1937
Cold - high wind -
Arthur to Isenhaur's with last frame to be silvered, & to collect water color frames.
I wrote to Ma -
Did chores.
Brought home 32 water color frames. Took down the frame for "From the Radio."

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Tuesday, February 16, 1937 *
Important mail - Bill has job in Washington - "Superior Art Project" - 1600 year.
Ma's been X rayed - "You'd never know bone had been broken" - X-rayer's summing up. Candy & letter from Chub - saying she can go to Hartford again, as Ma & Robert plan on Florida 5th ^[[March]] or around time -
Arthur working on "From the Radio."
I wrote to Marian, Mother, Chub. Arthur wrote to Marian - sent her a telegram of congratulations also.