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Tuesday, March 23, 1937
Snow -
Arthur signed Telephone lease for 3 years.
To Geneva twice -
I giving house the once over -
Arthur sent post card to "keeds." Sent announcements of show to O'Briens.
Jimmie here.
Mr. & Mrs. DeSio & Madeline here to dinner - a very nice time.

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Wednesday, March 24, 1937 *
Letter and 10.00 Easter check from Mother.
I wrote to her, & to Chub.
Arthur to Geneva first in A.M. Had talk with Alexander & O.B.
Both to Geneva in A.M. I sent candy to Mother, Torr kids, Chub.
Arthur out in P.M. made 2 sketches in pencil. One of house & tree on Slaughter House Rd. one of train, coming around bend again.
I "revised," & copied words for Peruna Contest - 167 (I think) Arthur mailed it in P.M.