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Thursday, April 8, 1937
I in bed all day -
Arthur worked on frames.
Nice letter from Terry, asking for John Caldron's name - address. Said he'd find out what he needed.
Arthur wrote to Stieglitz telling him it was ^[[Sun.]] afternoon, not evening that & Phillips would be in. Postal Tel. Co. sent telegram Western Union called - wants front started.

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Friday, April 9, 1937
* Snow.
Dentist 10 A.M. Both to town 9.45 - I to dentist - had one tooth filled - a treatment.
Arthur did errands - We met in Bre[[?]].
* Mr. Phillips sent catalogues - a fine preface by him.
Letter from Bill, enclosing McBride article. New Yorker had fair article by Louis Mumford. Arthur cleaned big frame off.