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Tuesday January 4, 1938

I painted on small arrangement [[image - drawing]] Felt women should keep voices & color (in painting) lower.  Arthur on small one he washed out & decided was not one to do at all.  He to park.  Had good talk late in afternoon about which painters - ranging through the ages - we liked and disliked.  Also Arthur talked - I wrote down his thoughts - some very good, also very funny ones.  Later I read more in Delacroix's Journal.

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Wednesday January 5, 1938

Letter from Peggy D.  Mother - Letter saying sending Pegassus - Art and Artists of to Day came  Letter from Dottie -

Both acquiring m colds- and have old tiredness.

I wrote to Betty, Dottie - A. also.  Mother - card to Mary.  A wrote card to kids.