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* *  [[image - hand drawn star]]
Friday, March 11, 1938

Arthur worked on "Louis Armstrong Music"  Letter from group of lawyers about taking out of rail road rails & ties, saying we owe $46.  Arthur spent most of A.M. composing letter in reply, & telephoning Mr O'Brien.  My God the waste of it all - of Arthur's ability.  I out errands, quite sick in P.M.

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*  Saturday, March 12, 1938  [[image - hand drawn star]]

Arthur to Mr O'Briens with letter containing suit against us (or threaten there of) by railroad.  Mr Bridges here finding electric light look in little hall.

*Arthur worked on "Louis Armstrong music"- a perfect thing in mathematical beauty of color - paint.  He also took two photographs of wall - at about 5 P.M.  Both out for walk, watched ducks.  Got ring for Dorothy Loynes.  Met Nebel, Kay in hospital having tonsils out today.