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Thursday, March 17, 1938

Water colors finished, all paintings tilled, lists made in A.M.
Check from Stieglitz from Elizabeth Boswell  I called Elizabeth Boswell, to see if she got one at Am. Place - she had, but seemed worried.  They came early in P.M. to look at these again.  After they left we packed all water colors, & two other boxes of large paintings.

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Friday, March 18, 1938

Arthur telephoned for lumber - Made large case , & re built one other to fit long narrow paintings.  We finished packing - all but lids nailed on.  I pasted paper on back of mine for Dottie & packed it.

I wrote to Mary Torr III - about sweater -

Mr Chaechia here in late afternoon about selling Block - present customer wont go over 20,000 -