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[[strikethrough]] We to Gabo show, & Miro, liked both - former very much [[/strikethrough]] Thursday, April 28, 1938 Arthur and I in to Gallery, met Marian & Bill back from Cape Cod. Margaret Hutchins bought small oil - [[strikethrough]] sun [[/strikethrough]] sky & lake. [[strikethrough]] Louise & Lane in - picked out water colors - To lunch with Elizabeth & Davidson - joined by Marin & Einstein. [[/strikethrough]] To Rehms, they out, we got sandwichs for our supper. [[end page]] [[start page]] Friday, April 29, 1938 [[strikethrough]] Saturday both to gallery early, to say [[/strikethrough]] Arthur & I walked from Rehms to Gabo show, liked it very much. To Miro show. To Gallery. Louise & Lane in at noon, selected 2 water colors. We lunched with Elizabeth, Davidson, and were later joined by Marin & Einstein.