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Hurricane & Tidal Wave.
Wednesday, September 21, 1938

Arthur & I to Huntington.  By noon very dark — wind with a shriek in it.  Locust tree fell.  Willow [[twigs?]] through roof & rain coming in.  Mrs Quarry came over - When wind stopped about 6, we pulled shades & thought storm was over.  At 7.40 Mr. Mueller called asking if we had notes in here.  All insisted we leave.  We stepped into water over boots.  Went to Muellers. Came back at 10, things bad here, floating about. Returned to their little house for the night.

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Thursday, September 22, 1938

Read of the fearful tragedy of storm - Bill here in morning, helped us pour water out of things — our Cardinal Hays bed full— took it to porch & put old spring on boxes.  All day hanging out things.  Dorothy here in evening, we 3 to Mullers again for dinner.  No lights anywhere — Candles.  Sent post card to Mother.