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30:00 54 hi 7.27 70 [[degree symbol]] W SW 9 mi Viz 4 mi 72% 85 hi 94 at 3[[underline]]00[[/underline]]
JB here. bp 140 spell-?
Reds to take something for colitis - [[?]] vitamins
water color mounted.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

SH hi 8.08. 72 [[degree symbol]] W 7 mph viz 7 mi 72% Local thunder storms SW. Partly cloudy cont. warm fol by showers 87 at 2:30
Bill here for lunch Planted tomatoes.
JB here bp way down below 140 136! Best yet! little [[throat?]] for us both.

Transcription Notes:
Please transcribe handwritten entries. No need to record the pre-printed reference materials. Thanks for your contributions, -quinnk @Archives of American Art