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Letter fm Biographical Encyclopedia F Haupt.
59 [[degree symbol]] 30:17^ 11:51 79% N. 5 mph v 6 mi 75 hi for PM. Partly cloudy Mod N.E. winds N.E. in 5 aft. Fair to-day
Went rowing with R doing the rowing
J.B. here p OK. Made tempera from sktch of horse fm row boat in P.M.
M + B here on way fm J.B.'s
B having trouble with dwg boat on book Jacket
M. better but "Should have stood in bed". Meyersberg here to get dental mirror + JBs case [[underline]] again [[/underline]]
Ord tubes fm Meyersberg -
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
56 [[degree symbol]] 30:12^ 12:47 81% 12 mph sclat clouds 72 hi NW to N winds S. partly cloudy rising temp fair to moderate Fair in L.I. gen fair tni rising - Wed. cooler
Filled 15 tubes with tempera
2 pencil sketches out in sun.
JB here bp 142 p OK. 
Toe swollen. "Walked too much"

Transcription Notes:
Please transcribe handwritten entries. No need to record the pre-printed reference materials. Thanks for your contributions, -quinnk @Archives of American Art