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TUESDAY - 31st [[December, 1940]]
Fine Letter from Phillips

36˚ 30.32  65%
ptl klw, mod Temp.  tmo warm
Dorothy & Mary both here for lunch.  "West Brentwood is P.O.
Called Mary & G & Keeds not to come  too late.

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33˚ 30:34  57%
Klw. rain this PM   35 gal oil at. 09 2
Helen Bonnel letter  Finished "Wee Face" -
30.03  11.32  85%
FRIDAY - 3rd  
39˚  ENE 6m  ov.  S 7 mi  M 10 41 AM Klw. li rain
PM Mary Geo & Scoop here - G went up to get mirror for M.
R. to Hunt in AM.  K here  Aurora Yel came fm. Schneider & Fez.  S. has Schmienke powd colors in jars.

36°    29.63.  12.17   84%
NW 20 Ov V8.  Drew in P. Red ^[[B]] Yel P Bl.
S 7.20  7.40  Clearing frozen  Klw this PM  Li Sno la tni
JB here  bp up to 150  Tk little rapid - 

SUNDAY - 5th 
Fair  Colder - Keeds here in P.M.  Meyersberg brot mortar  pestal & Noxema last night

Transcription Notes:
I'm guessing Tk is his abbrevation for "ticker" and his pulse rate, as a result of his heart problems. [[?]] tml. Thanks for your contributions. There is no need to transcribe pre-printed reference materials like calendars. We are interested in handwritten entries. Thanks, -quinnk @ArchivesAmerArt