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24  30 08^ AM.   30.20 in PM  48%
MONDAY - 24th  [[February, 1941]]  
[[shorthand notation]] NW W.
Hear Holly married - JB. says P.OK like opera  K here has sore throat  C. here to get wedding announcements.  J. out  R. to Hunt.  Got mending strips & Turps  Letter fm Mary.

27˚  30 30^ here  7.28  35%
[[shorthand notation]] S.630  M.605 [[image - spiral drawing]]
R. pd paper bill etc at PO. & 1 wk in advance.  J.B. had tea with us.  Barom. 30.00 at 9:30 pm.  Shad came fm Scoop  has mumps.

22˚  30.20^ here  50%  Skat klw. 
Fetch shampoo  Lost tie pin & found in tie in back of neck  30:30 in PM.  Made emulsion - K here washed windows

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28˚  30:20  30.05 in PM
Brilliant day - Ice still on Pond.  Get emulsion with O of Spike  40˚ at noon - W.C.  ^[[Sun]] Sea Gull & Shadow  Meyersberg here  Gave him Mrs Ms book ad - He figured out varnish proportions for me.  Tried canned Shad, a bit salty.  Called George & Dorothy - Letter fm Marian  Bill for frames. [[image - vertical subtraction equation:  30.65 - 10 = 20.65 pd.]]

FRIDAY - 28th
30:00v  29.70 in PM
Frames came - J.B. did dictation for us.  K came for water  King fisher Dwg.

SATURDAY - 1st  [[March, 1941]]
24˚  79.59^  [[shorthand notation]] 12.39 here  85%
Fair & warmer tmo - 
Measured frames  OK.  Called Braxton 3 more to be shipped Wed.  Paid Braxton Bal - 2065  Pd J.B. for Feb.  Julia here too   

SUNDAY - 2nd
29.90 PM.  Clear.  30.00  25˚  55%  Fair 40˚  Klw, tni - Klw, warmer tmo.

Transcription Notes:
Thanks for your contributions. There is no need to transcribe pre-printed reference materials like calendars. We are interested in handwritten entries. Thanks, -quinnk @ArchivesAmerArt