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27° 67%
Monday 10th

Fair & stol rising temp  Sent M. 6 bu fr barn & birthday K  here & for Com Ch. fixing paintings in frames. 
Wkg on income tax & typing lists

37° 49%
Tuesday 11th

Kol tmo. K here all day backing paintings & watercolors. Letter from Dottie V. Did income tax layout in P.M. R to Hunt 
Song Sparrow

34° 30 15 76%
Wednesday 12th

Klw, Kol. K here They packed paintings wkd on Inc tax & pkg Called George. He [[underline]] & Bill will [[/underline]] take [[inserted]] paintings [[/inserted]] Mary comes Saturday. Letter fm Mother

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

13th Thursday

Sunshine Paintings Packed at 11AM letter fm Mariam.

27° 30 14^ 8.11 41%
14th Friday

Fair [[inserted]] to day [[/inserted]]  & warmer. tomorrow 40 hi Took off WAX EMULS. 2WKS on shelf - with air. R to Hunt. Card frm M. Sent income tax to-day. Pd Elec. Bill letter to Keeds.

32° 30.09 57%
15th Saturday

Clear all day. 50 high. HAIR CUT + SHAMPOO Barom starting down 30.04 PM. Party at Mueller's Klw. warmer

39° 30.00
16th Sunday 

Heard a Robin

Transcription Notes:
Thanks for your contributions. There is no need to transcribe pre-printed reference materials like calendars. We are interested in handwritten entries. Thanks, -quinnk @ArchivesAmerArt