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34°  30.10^  
[[Monday 15th]]

Fair. R to H - Fredike ret. book w/ Mr. Muller sent cookies. postal fm Chub. XX
Grw in Reflections
Ord to Sears

[[Tuesday 16th]]

42 hi ptl klw, No mon humid to or bargin wkd on Reflections J.B. has cold.

[[Wednesday 17th]]
30.10^ P.M.
Finished Reflections ? XX
K here found $8 worth of pennies in her banks here. Russians here Kalingin 
Reflections done with diffused light & line.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

28°  3019 -
[[18th Thursday]]
Fair But over Reflections.
Sluff letter fm Mother $10
K here [[underline]] Pank sent $50 [[/underline]]
Airport? Sears arrived.

48 at 10am  30.10
[[19th Friday]]

ptl. klw. Geo. & Mary here but French Dict at c scarf fm Lilly. Wkd on Reflections. Painted over green Center with Green & White 50.50 first there with puce green. XX

38° 8AM  29.90
[[20th Saturday]]

Fair Keeds here for lunch. Christmas gifts. Wkd on Reflection.

18° at 930  30.50 -
[[21st Sunday]]

R headache. Drew in Geometric Pump 14 Submarines sent. 

Transcription Notes:
Thanks for your contributions. There is no need to transcribe pre-printed reference materials like calendars. We are interested in handwritten entries. Thanks, -quinnk @ArchivesAmerArt