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27°    30.40^   fair
28'              NE
Calling Stieglitz
My show still up.
wkd on Roof Tops.
Su Mullett called
Letter fm Mother
Mary Edith + kids
called Su "don't
Called Su.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
29°   30.43^   hazy.
27'             E
Dorothy's Birthday
Coming with Mary tni
To call storage for permit
for Su + someone to catalog
paintings to call "Place"
later 10.45   [[circled]]MAX 3.[[/circle]]
Wired Mary        [[circled]]Best[[/circle]]
Called Storage.
Miss Leein
Must give Su power
of atty.  Check to
storage + Power of Atty
to Su to go into vault -
Max with Hilda + Dorothy
+ Mary.  Nice party.
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Thanks for your contributions. There is no need to transcribe pre-printed reference materials like calendars or the daily countdown of how many days are left in the year. We are interested in dates and handwritten entries. Thank you. quinnk Archives of American Art