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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
127928L15 00+30.017 092 09 W+30.018 09Jul 19 1909.874, .733, .607
127929L16 000.018 102 10 W0.019 11Jul 19 1909.776, .650
127930L18 00+60.019 131 13 W+60.020 13Jul 19 1909.861, .735
127931L17 00+30.020 143 14 W+30.021 14Jul 19 1909.862, .736
127932L21 00+30.021 150 15 W+30.022 15Jul 19 1909.904, .778
127933L22 000.022 160 16 W0.023 16Jul 19 1909.946, .820