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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
167935L14 000.016 532 53 W0.017 53Jul 21 1909x 7935 Stopped by clouds for the present. .869, .722, .591
167936L15 00+60.018 043 04 W+60.019 04Jul 21 1909.771, .640
167937L19 00+30.019 580 58 W+30.020 58Jul 21 1909.850, .719
167938L22 000.021 001 00 E0.022 00Jul 21 1909.893, .762
167939L0 000.022 131 47 E0.023 13Jul 21 1909.944, .813