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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
148569L0 000.01 281 28 W0.02 32Jan 11 1910.083, .391, .474
148570L1 00+30.02 561 56 W+30.04 00Jan 11 1910.144, .535
148571L0 00+90.04 114 11 W+90.05 11Jan 11 1910.195, .586
148572L5 00+30.05 120 12 W+30.06 12Jan 11 1910.237, .628
148573L6 00+60.06 130 13 W+60.07 14Jan 11 1910.280, .671
148574L7 00+30.07 160 16 W+30.08 16Jan 11 1910.323, .714
148575L6 00+60.08 172 17 W+60.09 17Jan 11 1910.365, .756 x 8575 Too cloudy to continue.